Application Security 30/September/2020 Brute Force Attacks: Protection and Mitigation Measures Any system that interacts with the internet must be prepared to defend itself from a large arsenal of techniques and attacks
Intelligence 28/August/2018 Fake stores, “boletos” and WhatsApp: Uncovering a Phishing-as-a-Service operation This activity relies on platforms that sell fake e-commerce (fake stores)
News 16/January/2018 New threats expose risk of attacks on satellite communication systems on ships These vulnerabilities would allow access to internal systems of offshore vessels
News 04/September/2017 Conceptual attack uses replacement parts to take control of mobile devices Two initial attacks are described in the study, both happened after the exchange of an original touchscreen module with a malicious version
Application Security 30/September/2020 Brute Force Attacks: Protection and Mitigation Measures Any system that interacts with the internet must be prepared to defend itself from a large arsenal of techniques and attacks
Intelligence 28/August/2018 Fake stores, “boletos” and WhatsApp: Uncovering a Phishing-as-a-Service operation This activity relies on platforms that sell fake e-commerce (fake stores)
News 16/January/2018 New threats expose risk of attacks on satellite communication systems on ships These vulnerabilities would allow access to internal systems of offshore vessels
News 04/September/2017 Conceptual attack uses replacement parts to take control of mobile devices Two initial attacks are described in the study, both happened after the exchange of an original touchscreen module with a malicious version