Application Security 30/April/2021 ASCII to UTF-8 Encoding It's a usual encode issue presents a character in the middle of a word
Application Security 14/October/2020 HTML to PDF converters, can I hack them? Our goal here was to investigate what kind of vulnerabilities can be inserted in a software through the use of libraries with the above mentioned functionality
Application Security 30/September/2020 Brute Force Attacks: Protection and Mitigation Measures Any system that interacts with the internet must be prepared to defend itself from a large arsenal of techniques and attacks
Application Security 19/August/2020 Mimikatz: Mitigating credential theft attacks The tool has become indispensable in the arsenal used by both pentesters and attackers and malware in real compromising scenarios
Application Security 30/April/2021 ASCII to UTF-8 Encoding It's a usual encode issue presents a character in the middle of a word
Application Security 14/October/2020 HTML to PDF converters, can I hack them? Our goal here was to investigate what kind of vulnerabilities can be inserted in a software through the use of libraries with the above mentioned functionality
Application Security 30/September/2020 Brute Force Attacks: Protection and Mitigation Measures Any system that interacts with the internet must be prepared to defend itself from a large arsenal of techniques and attacks
Application Security 19/August/2020 Mimikatz: Mitigating credential theft attacks The tool has become indispensable in the arsenal used by both pentesters and attackers and malware in real compromising scenarios